
Account settings

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Creating an account that several people will have access to

You can create a Flickr account for your organization. You can allow different people to have access to the Yahoo! sign-in information.


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How to Sign Up for a Flickr Account

In order to sign up for an account, you will need both an email address and a password of your choice. You will be able to create an account ...


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Is it worth keeping my Flickr account? What do you use it for?

Flickr takes photography more seriously than Instagram; it doesn't lossily recompress your photos to save storage, it has groups and albums, and it is open ...

Logging in to Your Flickr Account

Log in with an email address, not a username. Our new login system requires an email address & password for account access.

People Search

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Sign up for a flickr account

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Upgrade everything you do with Flickr

Flickr Pro is a paid membership that gives you an enhanced experience across Flickr and includes powerful tools for managing your photos.


沒有這個頁面的資訊。·瞭解原因,YoucancreateaFlickraccountforyourorganization.YoucanallowdifferentpeopletohaveaccesstotheYahoo!sign-ininformation.,沒有這個頁面的資訊。·瞭解原因,Inordertosignupforanaccount,youwillneedbothanemailaddressandapasswordofyourchoice.Youwillbeabletocreateanaccount ...,沒有這個頁面的資訊。·瞭解原因,FlickrtakesphotographymoreseriouslythanInstagram;itdoesn'tlossilyrecompres...